Pitch Promotional Video – Special Projects
Laurier’s LaunchPad Brantford Pitch Competition 2019
Economic Development & Special Projects
Enterprise Brant has delivered the Community Futures Program in partnership with the government of Canada since 1988, providing business loans as well as funding for Special Projects.
Applications are reviewed as received.
To apply for Special Project Funds download the PDF application
The success of the Community Futures program in Brant can be attributed to our many community partners in all sectors of the community, both private and public. Together we help to foster and develop a vision for the future.
So far in 2020-2021 fiscal year we have approved the follow list of organizations.
- Brantford/Brant 55+ Winter Games
- Canadian Industrial Heritage Museum
- Brantford Minor Baseball League
- Brant Theatre Workshops
- Children’s Safety Village of Brant
- Hearts to Home Feline Rescue
- Crossing All Bridges
- Crime Stoppers
- Arcady
- Brantford Moose Lodge 791
- Woodland Cultural Centre
- The Rotary Club of Brantford Sunrise
- The Rotary Club of Brantford
- Grand River Council of Aging